Why you should try not to worry about your child’s night-time accidents

Concerned about bedwetting? While it may feel disheartening for both parent and child, you’re not alone in dealing with night-time accidents. In fact, for most children, bedwetting is often nothing to worry about under the age of five. Drier nights await!

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Mom comforting her child

Why you should try not to worry about your child’s night-time accidents

Concerned about bedwetting? While it may feel disheartening for both parent and child, you’re not alone in dealing with night-time accidents. In fact, for most children, bedwetting is often nothing to worry about under the age of five. Drier nights await!

3 min read 100%

Why you shouldn’t worry too much about your child’s bedwetting

Of course, night-time accidents can be inconvenient, frustrating or even upsetting, but they’re usually not something to worry about if your child is younger than 5 years old.

In most cases, bedwetting is a natural part of your child’s development, as there can be many reasons for and causes of bedwetting. That could be down to your child’s brain and bladder not communicating when they need the loo because their brain and bladder have not fully developed yet. It could even be simply because your child has had too much to drink before bedtime.

It’s important to remember that, unlike potty training, the journey to becoming dry at night cannot be taught. That means night-time accidents may—and do—happen for many kids. But don’t worry, drier nights will come with time.

Why does my child have night-time accidents?

Let’s forget the myth that bedwetting happens because of laziness or not listening. Instead, we need to recognise that dry nights are a milestone most children will eventually reach.

In fact, bedwetting becomes less common with age. According to NICE, 21% of children age four and a half years old wet the bed less than 2 nights a week. At nine and a half years old, this drops to 8%. More frequent bedwetting is even less common, occurring in just 8% of four-and-a-half-year-olds, and by the age of nine-and-a-half-years-old has dropped to 1.5%.

Smiling child stretching in bed


Is there ever a time or reason I should start to worry about bedwetting?

A natural stage of development that differs from child to child, there’s no definitive answer on when bedwetting should stop. From toddlers through to teens, night-time accidents can continue, or even start, at various ages. However, the World Health Organisation recommends that if a child is over the age of five and wetting the bed, parents should seek medical advice.

What about the effect bedwetting has on my child’s sleep?

Think bedwetting equals bad sleep? Think again with Huggies® DryNites®. Designed to look and feel like underwear, DryNites® Pyjama Pants feature 5 layers of protection so children up to the age of 15 years can be sure bedwetting never gets in the way of childhood dreams. Similarly, DryNites® Bed Mats stick in place for up to 12 hours bed protection.

While most bedwetting can be solved through time and patience, if you are still concerned about night-time accidents, see our advice on when you should see a doctor.

Smiling boy and girl looking at a laptop

How DryNites® can help your child go to sleep, worry-free

With you every step of the way, DryNites® are the World’s No.1* Brand for night-time protection, for less worry and more childhood.

With 5 zoned layers of protection designed to keep kids dry all night, DryNites® Pyjama Pants are here to support your and your child on the journey to drier nights.

And for children who infrequently wet the bed, try DryNites® Bed Mats. Each mat features Micropocket Technology for added protection throughout the night. Just another way to make sure every child can go to sleep worry-free, stay dry at night, and wake up awesome!

Want to find out more about bedwetting? Read our top tips on how to support your child through night-time accidents, or discover more bedwetting advice.

(Disclaimer: *Nielsen Market Share data where Bedwetting Category exists)


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This content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment.
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