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Don’t despair, you haven’t exhausted every option. DryNites® have a range of bedwetting solutions for you to try.
Common solutions parents use to help with night-time accidents
So you think you’ve tried everything to help your little one have a dry night? See which ones you’ve tried. Maybe there’s one you haven’t…
Nappies or nappy pants
Nappies are a traditional choice for helping your little one through urine-based accidents when they are a baby. They are usually highly absorbent and can contain most leaks, which makes them great for daily use.
But when it comes to helping your child stay dry through the night, as they get older nappies and nappy pants are not fit for purpose.
During the day, you can quickly identify an accident and change the nappy. At night, you’re not able to change them as quickly. Over time, wees may leak out onto the bed sheets, leaving them sleeping in a damp, uncomfortable bed.
Nappies can also disrupt your child’s sleep because they tend to rustle with movement. Plus they can be quite bulky, and lack breathability—making your little one’s bedroom environment noisy and uncomfortable.
Pyjama pants, such as DryNites®
Unlike regular nappies, pyjama pants, such as DryNites® Pyjama Pants, are designed to be a bedwetting aid—giving discreet and comfortable protection. Plus, they’re clinically proven for a better night’s sleep!
DryNites® Pyjama Pants fit below the waist to help them go unnoticed under night clothes. They’re also made with soft, stretchy, absorbent and breathable fabrics. This design helps contribute to a dry and more comfortable night's sleep.
Pyjama pants are also an excellent option for children as they grow and start to become more conscious of their bedwetting. All DryNites® Pyjama Pants feature age appropriate designs to make them look and feel like real underwear, so only they’ll know they’re wearing them.
Rubber mats
Historically, rubber sheets have been a go-to for parents looking to protect their child’s mattress from accidents. They are easy to clean, lightweight and affordable to buy. Most are washable and reusable, so they can be used multiple times without having to be thrown away.
However, they are often noisy and uncomfortable to sleep on. They lack breathability, and during the warmer months sweat can start to build up, leading them to get a bit hot and smelly. Cheaper varieties tend to make crinkly, plasticky noises when your little one moves around, meaning they won’t get the restful night’s sleep they need.
Rubber bed mats are purely a mattress protector and do not absorb any moisture. So, unless your child wakes up and signals they’ve wet the bed, they will end up sleeping in their own accident.
Ultimately, rubber bed mats function well as mattress protectors, but aren’t a comfortable solution for a child who regularly wets the bed when there are contemporary options specifically designed for the task.
Absorbent bed mats
To give your little one a more restful night's sleep try using a DryNites® Bed Mat.

DryNites® Bed Mats are designed to be discreet. Made from soft, quiet materials, they help children get a dry and restful night’s sleep, without them being disturbed. They have Micropocket Technology , which can provide up to 12 hours of bed protection, and have peel-off Stick and Stay Put sheet to secure the Bed Mat to the mattress. Once used, they can quickly be disposed of.
Nothing at all!
Sometimes you might think it’s best to go au-natural and forgo the bed mats and nappies. This is an option to consider, which gives your little one a night’s sleep without the added fuss of any extras.
However, you’re going to have to be prepared with a plan to make sure their mattress is always clean and fresh.
For kids who only wet the bed occasionally, this can be a useful option when paired with a strong bedtime routine. But for those with children who wet the bed regularly, the comfort offered by Pyjama Pants are a smarter choice, both for you and them. DryNites® Bed mats are also ideal for infrequent bedwetters, or those transitioning to dry nights.
DryNites® vs nappy pants: How do they compare?
Shopping around you’ll find that the most common options for keeping your child’s bed dry at night are nappies or absorbent underwear, such as DryNites® Pyjama Pants. But which one is best for you and your child, nappies or DryNites®?
Ultimately, you’ll find that potty training, which Pull-Ups® play a key role in, is distinctly different from bedwetting. Each developmental phase will need a different solution, different advice, and a different approach.
Whereas nappies are very generalist, DryNites® products are specifically designed to help your child with any night-time accidents. In fact, they’re clinically proven for a better night’s sleep!
Help your child go to sleep worry-free, and wake up awesome
As parents, we know this is a tough time for you and your child. You’re doing your best to make it through this testing phase. But remember: most bedwetting is completely natural. Your main job is to help your little one feel confident in who they are and help them get as comfortable a night's sleep as possible.
By using DryNites® Bed Mats and Pyjama Pants you're prepped and ready to start your journey to drier nights. If you need some more support why not explore some of our bedwetting help and advice? It’s written by experts and created especially for families who are going through the same challenges!